A Magical, Medieval Tale woven around historical detail, and the de Hastings who owned Fillongley Castle. Christopher makes a wish to go back to the past while exploring the ruins of Fillongley Castle. To his surprise, he finds himself in the year 1266. He is captured by Lord Henry de Hastings and marched to Kenilworth Castle with an army of men and set to work. It is a horrible time, with a civil war against King Henry III, battles, and famine. When the castle is besieged by the King, there seems no escape. His sister, Andrea, sets out on a quest to go back in time and rescue her brother, with the help of Grumple who says he is a wizard, and the 'Witch of Crackley Woods'.
Written & illustrated by Susan K. Moore with page borders and drawings you can colour in.
Literary Award: Best Children's Book of the year. Read in many schools.
More information from www.fillongley-publications.com
(Above)The life of John Callwood from 1922. Memories of: Heath Farm, Arley. Fillongley School Gun Hill School and Herbert Fowler School. Ansley Young Farmer's Cub. War Memories from diary notes made at the time: Chilwell Barracks, Victoria Barracks, Portsmouth. Darlington. France, Belgium & Dunkirk. HMT Britannia: Freetown, Durban, Aden and Abu simbel, Alexandria, Grece and escape. Tobruk Relieved. etc. .... Price: £14.95 The Book is available from Rita Callwood: Email: (join the spaces in the email address) ritapoulson @ btinternet. com
isbn 978-1-85858-331-0
Booklet 12 pages - with all the fields in Fillongley compiled from the 1843 Parish Tithe Map. Available to download and print from this website (free).
A magical story, based on historical facts. A brother and sister go back in time and find themselves at Fillongley Castle in 1266. Christopher is captured and taken to Kenilworth Castle by Lord Henry De Hastings and is held up in the siege at Kenilworth Castle. His sister, Andrea, sets out on a quest to go back in time and rescue her brother, with the help of Grumple who says he is a wizard, and the 'Witch of Crackley Woods'.
Written & illustrated by Susan K. Moore
Literary Award: Best Children's Book of the year. Read in many schools.
The fascinating history of eleven village schools in North Warwickshire. Within a four mile radius of Fillongley in the old Forest of Arden were schools that were so different from each other, including an 'open air school' and a 'reform industrial school.'
A beautiful book in full colour. Compiled from historical detail, memories and oral recordings, school log books etc. Over 100 photographs.
Awarded 'Best Non Fiction Book of the Year.'
Schools include:
Arley Church of England School. Arley Herbert Fowler School. Artley Gunn Hill School. Astley Village School. Corley Village School. Corley Open Air School. Fillongley School. Maxstoke Church of England School. Meriden School. Packington School. Shawbury Industrial School.
Price: £11. + £2.50 p&p - order by email: fillongleypub @ btinternet.com //
FREE email copy of the edited 'CORLEY SCHOOL LOG BOOKS' when you purchase a copy of Bare Bottoms & Stinging Nettles. (Available to Non-purchasers of the book: £5.)
Life as it was in Fillongley compiled from oral recordings with photographs.
Price £4.50 + £2 p&p.Order by email: fillongleypub @ btinternet.com
(below) Back cover of
'I Remember Bare Bottoms and Stinging Nettles.